Thursday, October 23, 2014

Our canadian girl house!!

When we brought this house home, we reconfigured it to look like this....

It's taller than I am. I guess I should measure it.  I do know the depth is 20 inches which is NOT long enough for AG beds. If I were to build one I'd make the depth 23 inches just to have more options of arranging furniture. However, we are thrilled with this house!!

Starting from the bottom we have the living room
The couch came with the house but I'm re-covering the cushion in this pink fabric. I made the curtains and throw pillows myself with scrap fabric from Walmart. The window is an unfinished frame I got from Michaels. I've yet to decide whether I will paint it.  The wall painting I painted myself.  The end table was on clearance at michaels for $5. The coffee table was a jewellery box from michaels that I may or may not paint. Or let my daughter paint it.  I still have plans for this room.... I'd like to make a fire place and a tv.  Oh the lamp was from dollar tree and it really works! 
The plant I put together with a tiny pot from michaels. 

Next to the living room is the kitchen.  The shelves came with the house. The little glasses are actually shot glasses from ikea. The tea set was from winners.  The table and chairs were half price at Sears! The garbage bin was a pencil holder from dollorama. The fridge and stove I made out of shoe boxes and duct tape until I can find a nice one.  The sponge is a piece of sponge cut from a real one. The soda bottles on top of the fridge are actually lip gloss I got from Claire's.  The light is a push light from dollorama.

Upstairs we have the bathroom!  So the toilet I made from a kandoo wipes container and a piece of craft foam! The vanity is two jewellery boxes I put together and added a "sink" which is actually a candle holder. I still need to figure something for a faucet. 
The mirror is from the dollar store and my four year old glued sparkly jewels all over it. I made the window and curtains. The back ground in the window is just cloud computer paper! 
The tub I found at winners and it came with the towel and a few extras. I need a bath mat in here though! And maybe a picture or two!

Next to the bathroom is Brooke's room (soon to be shared with Taryn after Christmas!) this is probably my favorite bedroom.  The bed came from target and it is an our generation girl day bed. The rug I found in the craft section at Walmart. The dresser was a jewelry box I found at target. The laundry hamper is from dollorama, as is the bulletin board. My four year old painted the crown frame and chose the hello kitty pic to go in it.  She also decorated the lamp which is from dollar tree. The picture frame is from michaels and has a pic of Taryn in it which we cut from a catalogue. The little mushroom was from dollorama and it lights up and changes colours!

The loft/attic room is Roses room. And will soon be shared with Saila. My 8 year old moved her up here so the four and five year old can't touch her stuff!
The bed is from ikea although a more girly bed is on order! The fold out chair is from the Springfield doll collection at michaels. The chandelier is a locker light.  We are using a suitcase from dollorama as a night table. She has her lamp, glasses, cell phone I made, and a framed pic of Saila. 

Cute and handy little closet for shoes and clothes.  The dog house was a bonus too! 

The boys room!! Bunk beds are made from ikea beds. The lights are also locker lights.  The boys painted picture frames and the pic on the easel.

I had my husband add a little picket fence to the roof top deck. I made furniture out of Popsicle sticks! The plants I randomly found in a clearance bin at michaels

Well that's it for now! 
I'll post more as projects happen! Take care and go play with dolls! 

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