Thursday, October 23, 2014

For the love of dolls

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved dolls. There was something so very special about getting a new doll under the Christmas tree.  I played for hours. We had no tv, no computers. I had books. And my dolls.

When I grew up and had little girls, I was so very disappointed they did not share my love of dolls.  I tried. Every Christmas there was a new doll under the tree, hoping she would be the one to spark the love of dolls.  All were cast aside until.... 

Nene, a beautiful girl from the our generation girls from target, came to live with us. She was my last attempt to interest my daughter in dolls. She was a gift for her 8th birthday, and I will forever be grateful to her for doing what no other doll had been able to do. My daughter fell in love with her. She loved doing her hair and changing her outfits. She re-named her Rose.

As for the doll herself...

She's really just the cutest thing.  I can't even get over those cute freckles!! She has a vinyl head, arms and legs and a soft body. She is 18 inches long and was a very good price at about $30. She has long brown rooted hair and lots of it. It looks nice worn in pig tails or just brushed out.  But it does tangle easily.  We've had her 6 months and I finally trimmed her hair because the ends were pretty ratty.  It does brush out ok with a few spritz of diluted fabric softener.  My daughter has a hard time brushing it out so i get the tangles out first and then she can practise doing braids or whatever. 

All in all she's a great doll for the money.  And a great doll to see if the interest for dolls was there without investing in a more expensive doll. 
Thus began our journey into falling in love with 18 inch dolls.  It wasn't long before my other children, boys included wanted a doll like Rose. 

Living in canada we had not yet discovered the world of American girl dolls. Yet. 

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